Mliswa calls for amendment of Zimbabwe Constitution to stop recalling of MPs

Mliswa calls for amendment of Zimbabwe Constitution to stop recalling of MPs

Politicians are in fear every day, mapoliticians arikukwira makomo avasingazive vachinamata kuti mangwana ndinogona kudzingwa.  Vave kutoenda kudzin’anga kuti ndiwane basa iri nekuti mangwana mumwe anongotaura kuti ayihwa.  So it also creates unfair advantages to a lot of people.  Women must be protected. Other politicians demand so much from women because they say, ‘if you do not then exercise that, I am going to expel you from the party’.  This is cruel and it cannot be allowed to happen. May women be free to represent their people without being compromised because of fear of being expelled.  I am talking about some women and not all women – so it is important.

Young girls are being abused – ‘come, I will make you a councillor with this whole thing of 30% that has come through, of women councillors’.  The question is; are they there on merit or not?  Already, there is a stigma in terms of women who are on proportionational representation kuti how are you chosen?  You are chosen by the party leadership because you have something that you are doing with them.  It is a stigma which again comes from this and whoever is seen talking even from a developmental point of view to this woman, the party leader fires you.  So how then can we allow this to continue?

So in closing, I would like to say Mr. Speaker Sir that this issue can only be resolved by the Constitutional Court and it must be clear on who writes the letter?  There must be two-thirds of the members who agree to it just the same way that we have two-thirds of the members in passing that – it must be that.  So it is a requirement that must see itself in there but as far as I am concerned, we do not need it there.  When the electorate has chosen somebody to be their leader for five years, they mean it.  May the electorate of Zimbabwe be respected by showing them that the leader that you have chosen is with us for five years and after five years they can choose another leader.  So that is something that needs to be inculcated into this Section 129 (1) (k).

I want to thank you and Mr. Speaker Sir, it has been long.   I had done a lot of research on this and I hope that those who believe in research and development would have also learnt one or two things.  Inasmuch as I bored a lot but when you research, you want to see your efforts going all the way.  I thank you.



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