Mliswa calls for amendment of Zimbabwe Constitution to stop recalling of MPs

Mliswa calls for amendment of Zimbabwe Constitution to stop recalling of MPs

I have always said and have always respected the ZANU PF electorate because it is an electorate that I know is faithful, loyal but at the same time it knows when to speak and when to  upset its boss because they know that if they come out in the open, they will be in trouble. Just saying the way the Members behave here, they do not want to come out because they know they will be exposed at the end of the day. Nigel is one of them and Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour cadre. He is coming from a labour movement and he is there, but he ended up there because of his strong values which were borne out an independent thinking mentality.

HON. ZEMURA: Mr. Speaker, my point of order is, are we going to sit and listen to one person the whole day?

THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Mliswa is the mover of the motion, so he has unlimited time.

HON. T. MLISWA: To adapt to those changes the Westminster somehow had to become less party managed and more accommodating of the diverse opinions. Even the Westminster itself had to adapt to the diverse opinions and that is why you never hear in the politics of Europe somebody being expelled because they have expressed themselves. Africa is far from that. Of course, there is strength in unity but when it is achieved by coerced conformity, it becomes more of a weakness. It is important to understand, let unity be natural because people are free to do what they want but let us not have unity when you are coerced. That on its own becomes a weakness and the bubble tends to burst at a certain point. The electorate is that bubble that I talk about which will burst.

The sound of the continued cracking of the whip is the crying of a failing party system trying to desperately to re-assert its authority. You do not assert your authority in a party by punishing party cadres and the whipping system we know is used for that because Hon. Matangira has grown more maize or has more cows than me, you must be expelled from the party. Akuwonererwa manje, it is an example. It is not working and it is time to try something. My advice to the political parties whipping system, it is no longer working. There is a generational consensus which we cannot ignore. Every generation has its time to dictate its future.

I have said that the generation of  thirteen to seventeen years at 2018, if you want to push it from thirteen years at 2018 to 29 at 2023, so the generation of 13 years to twenty nine years at 2018, going to 2023 which will be the generation of the youths, is about 3 million and these are coming through.  They are independent thinkers just like there in their homes.  If you want to appreciate the independent thinking of today’s electorate it is how children are behaving in the homes.  They do what they want.  They are no longer reduced to the way we were brought up, and we had to be home at a certain time.  They will not tell you where they are going, they are always on social media and they are always ahead of you.

So, that again has escalated to national issues.  Do not think it is just in your house.  You talk about politics, they do not listen to you, they are not interested, they are on the phone and you say they are being rude.  However, they ask you, ‘but what do you want to talk to me about when I am a graduate and I have no job’.  The thinking is critical of a generation coming; that is the way they will do things and it is totally different. That is why there has to be a shift and an adjustment in the way political leaders treat the new people coming into these parties.

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