MDC Alliance demands

MDC Alliance demands

We therefore make the following demands which if not availed will threaten the holding of the election scheduled on the 30th of July 2018:

  1. The urgent release of A COMPLETE Biometric Voters Roll, in searchable and analyzable form with requisite biometric features.
  2. The independent auditing of the said Biometric voters roll by agreed independent and impartial external auditors.

iii.The immediate cessation of the printing of the ballot paper pending agreement of observation by stakeholders.

  1. Agreement on and full disclosure of the printing, the quality the status, the traceability, transmission and distribution of ballot paper and election material.
  2. Transparency around the remaining stages of the electoral process including effective observation by stakeholders of the printing, storage and distribution of all electoral materials.
  3. The unquestionable impartiality and professionalism on the part of ZEC in compliance with the Electoral Law, the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the SADC Guidelines and Principles for Democratic Elections.

vii. An independent forensic audit of the contacts-gate scandal where Zanu PF accessed voter information that was supposed to be in the sole custody of ZEC.

viii. Equal access to public media by political players.

Unless these issues are addressed there cannot be any chance of a free, fair, credible and legitimate election taking place on the 30th of July 2018.



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