Zimbabwe has really broken with the past

Zimbabwe has really broken with the past

“With Mugabe gone, there’s a real opportunity for a fresh start for Zimbabwe” – Muleya Mwananyanda, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Southern Africa said at the launch of its latest briefing: Breaking away from the past: A human rights manifesto for Zimbabwe’s political parties and candidates.

“As the country holds its first elections without former President Robert Mugabe on the ballot paper, it’s time for Zimbabwe to break with decades of gross human rights violations. Under Mugabe’s rule, the election period was typically marred by killings, disappearances and arrests,” she said.

“With Mugabe gone, there’s a real opportunity for a fresh start for Zimbabwe and a chance to break with history and ensure that human rights are fully respected in the context of the elections and beyond.”

Zimbabweans have really broken with the past as was clearly demonstrated during yesterday’s demonstration against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission in Harare.

Hundreds of Movement for Democratic Change Alliance supporters marched past a clearly marked Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front campaign vehicle without destroying it or setting it on fire as would have happened a few years ago.

The video below shows how mature and tolerant Zimbabweans have become.



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