MDC Alliance demands

MDC Alliance demands

The Movement for Democratic Change Alliance has set out eight demands which it says threaten the holding of the elections in 19 days.

The Alliance held a demonstration in Harare today but seems to be sending mixed signals to the electorate about whether it will participate in or boycott the elections.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission have said nothing can stop the elections now.

Twenty-three candidates are contesting the presidential elections so even if the Alliance pulls out 22 other candidates will still be in the ring.

ZEC boss Priscillah Chigumba has stated that she is doing everything by the book and had even bent backwards to accommodate opposition parties but she is hitting into brickwalls.

MDC Alliance leader has said he is not going to boycott the elections so the current moves are now being viewed by some as a way to building up a case to challenge any defeat.

Below is the full statement by the MDC Alliance.


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

MDC Aliance Petition on Urgent Electoral demands

We, the MDC alliance as the largest representative of the working people of Zimbabwe note the following:

  1. That Section 239 (a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe obliges the ZEC to conduct elections , efficiently, Freely, fairly, transparently and in accordance with the law.
  2. That ZEC satisfies the Zimbabwe’s electoral law regional and international standards which also demand that elections are held efficiently freely fairly and transparently.
  3. That ZEC has been subjective partial dishonest and incompetent in the manner it has run the 2018 election process to date.
  4. That contrary to the provision of the law the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has:
  5. a) Refused consensus and full disclosure, the Source, Security, Traceability and openness of the BALLOT PAPER.
  6. b) Has refused to provide a voter’s roll as defined in terms of the law with pictures in searchable and analyzable form.
  7. c) Has granted full and open access to its database to Zanu PF contrary to the law.
  8. d) Continued denial to equal access to the media as required by law section 61(4) (C) as well as the electoral law.

Continued next page



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