Mashonaland East now coronavirus free?

Mashonaland East now coronavirus free?

Mashonaland East, one of Zimbabwe’s 10 provinces, is now coronavirus free after the only positive case in the province recovered today.

Ten others, seven of them from Bulawayo, also recovered raising the number of people that have recovered so far to 36 063.

There were only five new cases and no death.

So far, 1 576 people have died and 38 419 cases have been recorded.

There are now 780 active cases, 384 of them in Harare, 148 in Matebeleland South and 100 in Bulawayo.

More than 26 000 people were vaccinated today with 16 792 getting the first jab and 9 613 their second dose. Those who have received the first dose now stand at 526 066 and those fully vaccinated  have risen to 158 177.



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