Majome asks why Zimbabwe registrar-general Mudede is still employed, if he is over 65?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: What is your point of order?

HON. MAJOME: Hon. Madam Speaker, my point of order is that the Hon. Minister and the Deputy Minister be held in contempt of Parliament – because inviting them to your office, I believe is unwarranted. I do not see any reason why Ministers should continue to be treated with kid gloves. I am not aware and I deserve an explanation as to why both the Hon. Minister and the Deputy Minister are not here in Parliament today.  I move that they be held in contempt of Parliament ,that will be the only way that they can know that they must take their responsibility in terms of Section 108 of the Constitution Madam Speaker.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Minister who was called to our office is no longer a Minister.  Now, we have to call the one who was appointed as a Minister to come to our office so that we discuss about this issue.

 HON. MAJOME:  Hon. Speaker, the Deputy Minister is still the same Deputy Minister – [HON. J. TSHUMA: Usaite nharo.] – no ndinoita nharo, this is what I came to this Parliament for.  Hon. Speaker I am sorry I am unable to understand that, the Deputy Minister of that Ministry is still in the same Ministry.  It is a simple question, how old is the Registrar General?  Is he over the age of 65?  If he is over the age of 65 why has he not retired?  Surely Madam Speaker that is what the question says.  Surely it is a fact that can be established by anyone.  There is a whole ministry, surely the age of the Registrar General is not a matter that requires rocket science, the Deputy Minister has not been reshuffled.   By now Hon. Speaker an answer must have been written.  All the Minister needs to do is to come here and simply read the question.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Can we now close this question Hon. Majome, I have answered you.  I have tried to answer you.   We called Hon. Mupfumira to this office, but now there is a new person, we can also invite him and explain to him the problem.

HON. MAJOME:  But the rules do not say that you invite them to your office, it says a Minister who absconds can be charged with contempt of Parliament.  Why are we not doing that?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER:  Because there is a problem of them not attending to this question.  This is why we are calling him to the office.  I hear your complaint.

HON. MAJOME: Madam Speaker, why are we treating them with kid gloves?

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Can we proceed to question number 2.



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