*HON. MAHOKA: On the issue pertaining to violence …
*HON. CHINOTIMBA: Hon. Speaker, if you have made a ruling, your ruling should be respected by this august House. If there are intra-party differences in ZANU PF, they should be dealt with at the appropriate place which is outside this House. Your appeal for speakers to be heard in silence should be respected by all Hon. Members.
*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Chinotimba, I hear what you have said. Earlier on, the Speaker ruled that this is not a House of jokes and as such, we should never treat the business of this House lightly. So on that score, Hon. Wadyajena, may you please withdraw your statement? Please withdraw your statement.
HON. WADYAJENA: Madam Speaker, I do not know which statement you want withdrawn.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: You said there are many crocodiles in here; therefore I want to know which crocodile is being referred to. Withdraw that statement because the Chair has ruled that you should accordingly withdraw the statement.
*HON. WADYAJENA: Hon. Speaker, (derogatively refers to an Hon. Member as Amai ava).
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Please just withdraw your statement. –[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]-
*HON. WADYAJENA: No, No, do not threaten me.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Hon. Wadyajena, please observe the rules of the House. I want you to withdraw your statement.
*HON. WADYAJENA: Do you want me to say hon. Father or mother. Is she male or female?
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Wadyajena, you cannot challenge the Speaker. Please withdraw your statement.
*HON. WADYAJENA: Madam Speaker, I am now confused. Which statement?
*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: The one in which you mentioned that there are many crocodiles after the Chair had given its ruling.
*HON. WADYAJENA: There are many crocodiles.
*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Please withdraw your statement.
*HON. WADYAJENA: There are many crocodiles in the river.
*THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Are you refusing to withdraw your statement?
*HON. WADYAJENA: She should first withdraw her statement on crocodile(s).
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