July already deadliest month since coronavirus outbreak in Zimbabwe

July already deadliest month since coronavirus outbreak in Zimbabwe

Seventy-five people died of coronavirus in Zimbabwe today bringing the death toll so far this month to 908, making it the deadliest month since the coronavirus outbreak in the country in March last year.

January, which was at the peak of the second wave, was up to now the deadliest month with 854 deaths.

There were 19 521 cases in January, more than the county had recorded from March to December 2020, but there are already 35 868 cases this month with 11 days to go before the end of the month.

There were 2 113 new cases today, over a thousand more than yesterday, but there were 2 261 recoveries which saw active cases drop to 27 321.

Mashonaland East recorded the highest number of cases today with 330 pushing the number of active cases to 4 153 but Harare has more active cases at 4 343. Manicaland is in third spot with 3 503 while Mashonaland West is now in fourth place with 3 479.

Bulawayo has 2 144 cases after recording 200 new cases but there were 158 recoveries.

Midlands today had the highest number of recoveries, 857, followed by Masvingo with 563. The Midlands now has 2 244 active cases and Masvingo 1 856.

Mashonaland had 14 deaths today while Bulawayo and Manicaland had 13 each.

The vaccination programme picked up with 40 056 getting the first jab today and 2 049 the second.




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