Judgment in Grace Mugabe’s diplomatic immunity case reserved

The High Court in Pretoria today reserved judgment in the Democratic Alliance's application to have diplomatic immunity granted to Zimbabwe's former First Lady Grace Mugabe set aside, African News Agency said.

"Thank you everybody for your time, judgment will be reserved. You will get a written judgment in due course. When? I don't know," said Judge Bashier Vally after the second day of arguments between the DA, joined by AfriForum, and on the other side the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

"You will get it hopefully soon … I don't know. I'm not committing myself to any specific time but you will get a written judgment.”

The case arose after Grace Mugabe allegedly assaulted South African model Gabriella Engels when she found her in the company of her two sons in a luxury hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg.

The South African government argued that Grace Mugabe was not granted diplomatic immunity but the department of international relations and cooperation had only upheld the fact of existing immunity for then Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's spouse.



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