41-US portrays itself as defender of justice in Zimbabwe rather than dictator
42-Sikhanyiso Ndlovu says Border Gezi was uneducated and immature
43-Sikhanyiso Nlodvu’s college burnt by MDC supporters
44-Jonathan Moyo fighting terrorism
45-Mugabe to have an unhappy exit
46-Jonathan Moyo describes ZIDERA as “tempest in a teapot”
47-Finance permsec resigned to ZANU-PF machinations
48-UNDP rep says ZANU-PF is on a suicidal path
49-Mnangagwa tells US ambassador about his disdain for Jonathan Moyo
50-Obasanjo promised Tsvangirai he would urge Mugabe to step down
51-Journalists arrested for demonstrating against AIPPA
53-ZANU-PF campaign of intimidation pays off
54-MDC leaders planned to go into exile after presidential poll
55-MDC disputes poll results, rejects GNU
56-Jonathan Moyo and Nyarota spar for a fight
57-US accused of coordinating terror campaign in Zimbabwe!
59-Jonathan Moyo says Daily News journalists are common criminals
60-Journalists under pressure as Supreme Court says constitutional challenge of AIPPA is not urgent
Continued next page