Imported new coronavirus cases into Zimbabwe outnumber local cases

Imported new coronavirus cases into Zimbabwe outnumber local cases

New coronavirus cases from returning residents from South Africa have once again begun to outnumber local cases with 55 new cases out of 101 being recorded today.

There were only 36 recoveries resulting in the number of active cases increasing to 1 547.

So far 10 718 people have tested positive for coronavirus since the outbreak in March but 8 880 have recovered and 291 have died.

Bulawayo continues to dominate the number of active cases at 573, followed by Matebeleland South which had 58 new cases today. It now has 259 active cases. Harare is third with 210 followed by Mashonaland West with 156.

The United States just surpassed 15 million cases and has nearly six million active cases.

Globally there are now 67.2 million cases, 1.54 million deaths and 19.2 million active cases.

Some 46.5millin people have recovered.



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