I am not going to speak negatively about Zimbabwe- Maridadi

I am not going to speak negatively about Zimbabwe- Maridadi

Former Movement for Democratic Change legislator James Maridadi, who was recently appointed Zimbabwe’s ambassador to Senegal, today said he is not going to speak negatively about the country.

Maridadi, who was one of the most promising MDC members, fell out with new MDC leader Nelson Chamisa with some party insiders saying he was sidelined because he was a greater threat to Chamisa than Douglas Mwonzora and Elias Mudzuri who are still within the party but survived because of Chamisa’s generosity.

Maridadi was founding MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesman when he was Prime Minister between 2009 and 2013.

Speaking after meeting President Emmerson Mnangagwa today, Maridadi said: “I don’t think there is anybody with a brain in his head who expects me to go and speak negatively about this country.  I am a Zimbabwean first.”

The MDC has refused to recognise Mnangagwa as the President and argues that the present crisis in the country is because of Mnangagwa’s illegitimacy.

It says the only way forward is to form a transitional authority which will lead to free and fair elections.

The ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front says it will not get into any transitional authority or government of national unity because it was given a wide mandate by the people.

It is, however, open for talks but the MDC must recognise Mnangagwa as President first as this was not only endorsed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission but also by the Constitutional Court which threw out Chamisa’s election challenge.

“When I go to Senegal and surrounding countries I am basically going to tell them that Zimbabwe is a very peaceful country, there is unity in Zimbabwe, and that Zimbabwe is a very good destination for your investments,” Maridadi said.



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