How the PF-ZAPU executive stood at the time of unity accord in 1987

How the PF-ZAPU executive stood at the time of unity accord in 1987

There has been a lot of debate about who will succeed Kembo Mohadi as Zimbabwe’s next Vice-President.

Mohadi resigned following an alleged  sex-scandal which he continues to deny.

Those who argue for seniority  in PF-ZAPU at the time of the unity accord will be shocked.

The much-touted late Dumiso Dabengwa was not even an executive secretary. Mohadi too was not. Both were deputies with Dabengwa at number 38 and Mohadi and number 43.

Check the list and see who is still alive.



1-Dr J.N.M Nkomo                                         President

2-J.W. Msika                                                 Vice President

3-W.H. Mabhena                                           Secretary General

4-N.C.M. Nyashanu                                       Deputy Secretary General

5-K.M.Mano                                                  Treasurer General

6-N.K. Ndlovu                                                National Chairman

7-R.G. Marange                                            National Organising Secretary

8-J.L. Nkomo                                                 Executive Secretary for Publicity and Information

9-R.P. Nyandoro                                           Executive Secretary for Transport

10-E.D. Ndlovu                                              Executive Secretary for Political Education

11-S.J. Nkomo                                               Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs

12-N. Zikhali                                                  Executive Secretary for Youth Affairs

13-Mrs M. Makwavarara                               Executive Secretary for Women Affairs

14-Dr I. Nyathi                                               Executive Secretary for Security

15-Adv. S.K. M. Sibanda                               Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs

16-Dr K.L. Dube                                            Executive Secretary for Education

17-A. Masawi                                                Executive Secretary for Tradition and Culture

18-L.G. Madiye                                             Executive Secretary for Public Relations

19-M. Chinamasa                                          Executive Secretary for Commerce and Industry

20-Mrs R.L. Chinamano                                Executive Secretary for Welfare Services

21-Dr S.U. Sakupwanya                                Executive Secretary for Health Services

22-M.M.Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Mines

23-J. Padzakashamba                                   Executive Secretary for Construction

24-K.B. Bhebe                                               Executive Secretary for Agriculture

25-N. Moyoi                                                   Executive Secretary for Economic Planning and Development

Continued next page



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