HON. MUDARIKWA: Thank you Madam Speaker. I rise to add my voice in a different dimension because the issue of peace and reconciliation is what Hon. Chibaya said – having a way forward on national healing, unity and peace in Zimbabwe. It is alright that certain issues are being raised but let us not decide to say we want to start our history from this point. As Zimbabweans, we must go back. This is some of the work of the Peace and Reconciliation Commission to even go back to the Portuguese and get the records of the slave trade and what happened. There is no emotion. You must never be emotional because if you are emotional, it shows that you are an agent of somebody wanting to destroy the country – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – agents always show by the way they behave.
We are saying we are a country known as Zimbabwe and this Constitution was produced by everybody. We must thank the Hon. Vice President. He has come here as per your request so that he can listen to what you are saying. I am saying, as a historian, a man of international repute – [HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.] – Oh yes, oh yes, I am a former Minister with a wide range of experience. Hon. Chamisa and I are in that range of Members of Parliament of rare breed. We are looking at a situation as the people of Zimbabwe; how do we go forward as a nation.
We need to know what happened during the time of colonization. We have Acardia here; it was a product of people raped. African women were raped day and night. I was in Kenya recently. The Mao- Mao, with the assistance of the Government are suing the British. All of you who have debated are scared of attacking the British because we must attack the British for colonisation and we must demand the heads of Chingaira and Mashayamombe because there is no way that we can -[HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.]- I am speaking, I am not singing and I do not need people to join me in my speaking –[Laughter.]-
The whole thing at the present moment is that we want to correct ourselves. Hon. Cross here, I know in confidence that he is a shareholder in Thomas Meikles. Thomas Meikles is made out of looting. Thomas Meikle was the chairman of the loot committee and he is a beneficiary of theft. His shareholding is an accomplice…
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order Hon. Mudarikwa. Order, Order Hon. Members, I think I take guidance from what the Leader of the House spoke about two weeks ago when it comes to issues to do with pointing fingers at other Members of Parliament. He said that, all the Members of Parliament that are here have no or current criminal records and that is why you are Hon. Members of Parliament. Desist as Hon. Members from making allegations. We have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, but let us remain guided and focused by our debate. Hon. Mudarikwa, please focus on the contents of the Bill and the debate and do not lose focus. You may continue.
HON. MUDARIKWA: Well, I withdraw but it was maybe the concept. I said the Meikles Holdings and Thomas Meikle is a product of a criminal act that was committed.
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