Every province in Zimbabwe records coronavirus cases today

Every province in Zimbabwe records coronavirus cases today

Zimbabwe today recorded 164 new coronavirus cases but each of the country’s 10 provinces had two or more cases with Bulawayo recording 66 cases followed by Matebeleland South with 28 and Masvingo 26.

The total number of cases rose to 11 522.

There was one death, in Harare, resulting on the country’s death toll rising to 310 and that for Harare to 142.

There were only 45 recoveries, 43 of them in Bulawayo and two in Harare.

So far 9 599 people have recovered but the number of active cases rose to 1 613 with 582 being in Bulawayo, 253 in Matebeleland South and 217 I Harare.

Globally the number of cases now stands at 73.6 million with just over 17 million in the United States alone.

Some 1.64million people have died, 51.6 million have recovered but there are still 20.3 million active cases.



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