Corruption is the most neglected human rights violation of our time. It fuels injustice, inequality and depravation, and is a major catalyst for migration and terrorism.
In Africa, the social and political consequences of corruption rob nations of resources and potential, and drive inequality, resentment and radicalisation.
Corruption cheats the continent’s governments of about $50-billion (about R700-billion) annually and stymies successful cities, sustainable economies and safe societies.
A joint report by the African Development Bank and nonprofit advisory firm Global Financial Integrity found that up to 65% of this lost revenue disappeared in commercial transactions by multinational companies. According to Oxfam, as much as 30% of African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore, costing an estimated $14-billion in lost tax revenues every year.
This corruption discourages donors and destroys investor confidence, strangling development, progress and prosperity.
Additionally, across the continent, sociopolitical dissatisfaction at corruption provides fertile ground for radicalisation – and some extremist organisations are adept at portraying Islamism as the solution to such injustice.
For example, corruption stimulates recruitment of young Nigerians into the ranks of militant group Boko Haram. In a recent study, 70% of those interviewed in the state of Sokoto cited corruption as a factor driving radicalisation.
By understanding corruption’s full impact and seeing it through the eyes of its victims, we can create new weapons to combat it. This is worth considering as we approach the first-year review of the sustainable development goals. Among them is goal 16, which aims to reduce bribery and corruption, develop accountable institutions, cut the flow of illicit money and weapons, and strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets.
More can be done at a global level to support these ambitions. Bilateral trade agreements should be based on commitments to end corruption and protect human rights, and protocols to prevent corruption should be built into development aid and loans.
There are some encouraging signs on the continent. When leaders from countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria and Tanzania highlight corruption as a major threat to their countries, then we might just be seeing the final days of impunity. The test now is whether they deliver on these fresh anti-corruption promises in credible ways that take account of human rights.
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