Coronavirus outbreaks at schools continue with 117 cases recorded yesterday

Coronavirus outbreaks at schools continue with 117 cases recorded yesterday

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 208 new coronavirus cases, 117 of them at schools with Manicaland reporting the highest number of 62.

This pushed the number of active cases in Manicaland to 494 but active cases across the country dropped to 3 006 after 382 people across the country recovered, 89 from Masvingo and 87 from Mashonaland East.

Mashonaland East still has the highest number of active cases at 549 but Matebeleland North is now in second place with 504. Masvingo is down to 443.

Cases in the major cities of Harare and Bulawayo continue to drop. Harare is down to 73 and Bulawayo 193.

The Ministry of Health has said the number of cases at school are nothing to worry about as most of the cases are mild and the numbers are insignificant since there are about 4.6 million pupils in schools.

More than 31 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 13 237 getting the first jab and 18 078 the second.

See this interactive map to see how Zimbabwe is faring in Africa.



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