THE HON. SPEAKER: What is your supplementary question?
HON. ZINDI: My question Hon. Speaker, I repeat. We want intervention in terms of policy direction to cut on the charges. Period.
HON. CHINAMASA: Mr. Speaker Sir, I have promised to look into this matter. The bank and its charges have been mentioned. I will inquire in respect of what service; US$30 is being deducted every month. I cannot give the answer now. I do not know whether it is a repayment of a loan, I do not know – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order. May I revert to the point of Privilege raised by Hon. Gonese. The list that I have now is Hon. Moyo, Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development; Hon. Damasane, Deputy Minister of Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development; Hon. Matangaidze, Deputy Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services; Hon. Mumbengegwi, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hon. Bimha, Minister of Industry and Commerce; Hon. Undenge, Minister of Energy and Power Development and Hon. Mombeshora, Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement.
HON. GONESE: Just a follow up on your response. Thank you very much Hon. Speaker Sir, for giving us that information. My follow up as a point of clarification relates to what we are going to do as an institution in respect of those ministers who have not been mentioned on the list that you have read to us and are not here in this august House. As you recall, last week, His Excellence alluded to the fact that ministers have got to take their responsibilities seriously and that they have to attend Parliament. My question is, the time has come for us to do something in relation to those ministers who are not in attendance and who have not sought the leave of your office.
THE HON. SPEAKER: I will ask the Clerk of Parliament to draw up the list and from there, the list will be brought into the House and the House will determine the way forward in terms of our Standing Orders.
HON. ADV. CHAMISA: On a point of order.
THE HON. SPEAKER: But on what basis?
HON. ADV. CHAMISA: Thank you very much. Just on that aspect Hon. Speaker.
THE HON. SPEAKER: But I have made a ruling already.
HON. ADV. CHAMISA: It is not the ruling that I am challenging, that is why I said point of order Hon. Speaker. It has to do with the ministers you have said are not in this House. It is just a point I wanted to know. Is it that they have accompanied the President – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Member please, we shall get the list and the due process shall follow. If it means establishing – [Hon. Chamisa having remained standing] – please sit down, can you kindly sit down [ HON. ADV. CHAMISA: I will sit down Hon. Speaker.] – I have not finished talking. The due process Hon. Chamisa is that, we establish an appropriate committee on Standing Rules and Orders and then they will be summoned accordingly. Thank you.