Chamisa promises workers -this is the last May Day without a bonus

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Tuesday, 01 May 2018

Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday


Seke: A despondent people who can no longer afford the laughter and the smile

Fellow Zimbabweans, in keeping with our Gogogoi Tisvikewo/Ekuhle campaign, I was in rural Seke and Mhondoro over the weekend where people were unequivocal in their determination and resolve to vote for transformation and palpable change in the next election.

We have said we are prioritizing the rural areas where the majority of Zimbabweans live.

On Saturday and Sunday, I was in Seke and Mhondoro where the despondent people in those rural communities can no longer afford the laughter any more.  I interacted with business people, opinion and community leaders who all narrated to me the sad tale of their current penury and suffering.

They told me the now familiar national story of the collapsed infrastructure and social services; especially health and education and how the old and the infirm are struggling to survive under this inept government.

At the two rallies, I had the occasion to articulate our vision on the five key pillars of governance, the economy, infrastructure rehabilitation, social services and international re-engagement. 

On governance, our government will govern and not rule. Governance involves engaging and listening to the people while ruling presupposes talking down to them. Our government will look after everyone regardless of their political affiliation.

On the economy, our vision is to have a modern, inclusive and diversified economy by 2023.

On social services, especially health and education, we want to ensure the nation is well served in these areas. On health, we have a comprehensive blueprint that includes both child care and adult care, a plan in which those with terminal and chronic ailments such as cancer, tuberculosis, HIV/Aids and other ailments will be able to access treatment for free. Our old people above the age of 65 would also be able to access free medical care in all public hospitals. We have a plan to set up the best health facility in the region for those living with albinism so that they can have access to glasses and special lotions. On education, our government will provide free primary education and resuscitate loans and grants for tertiary students so as to give reprieve to suffering Zimbabweans.

Through infrastructure rehabilitation, we will be able to provide employment to the millions of our young and old who are failing to get a job. We will resuscitate roads, railways, airports, industries and other infrastructure in a massive way that will create jobs through public works programmes. We have already secured funding for infrastructure rehabilitation so that Zimbabweans can find a reason to hope again.

On international engagement, our mantra is that Zimbabwe will be best for business. Zimbabwe will be a safe haven for investment as investors will be assured of the safety of their ventures. We pledge to audit and revise all business deals being signed by the current government to see if they truly benefit the people and the country. It is ironic that every day we hear this or that mega deal has been signed when all we see around us is the mega-poverty facing the people!

At Mubaira growth point in Mhondoro in Mashonaland West, I found yet another despondent rural community in the midst of plenty. These are the people favoured with the huge platinum reserves at the nearby Ngezi platinum mine but who are slugging it out in a quest to put foot on the table.

I heard sad stories of how our traditional leaders are failing to make ends meet. Of the 276 chiefs in the country. Only 56 were given vehicles as the current government desperately tries to curry favour with the traditional leaders. We pledge t give dignity to these custodians of our culture.

We are promising the best for the people of this country. As one young musician said in the captivating lyrics that have become the anthem of our electoral campaign, we pledge to take Zimbabwe to the next level.

Next week, we set off for yet another rural community to interact with people in the rural areas where the majority of Zimbabweans live.

Continued next page



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