Chamisa claim that he won the election is hot air, even western observers know this says Jonathan Moyo

Chamisa claim that he won the election is hot air, even western observers know this says Jonathan Moyo

Chamisa’s SOS WhatsApp message sent on his behalf by Timba proves two things:

  1. First, Chamisa did not have a sufficient number of polling agents to secure a meaningful number of V11s, V23As, V23Bs; let alone V23Cs on election day. 

The message says “We need all these docs to complete our data set”. In other words, Chamisa does not have a complete data set of V11s to make or support his claim. 

Apparently, some of the few polling agents that Chamisa had either left the polling stations they served before vote counting started, because they were hungry as food had not been delivered to them during the voting process; or because they had not been paid their allowances at the agreed time before or during the voting process.

  1. Now that it is clear Chamisa does not have the V11s, and that this is now an open secret in CCC circles, it has become common cause that Chamisa’s claim that he won is hot air. 

Chamisa has absolutely no basis for the claim. To make the situation worse for him, the few V11s that he has, show that he lost. 

Chamisa also has an in-house Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) result collated by a combination of local observers and NGOs sponsored by the usual donors which also shows that he lost the presidential election. 

This is why Chamisa has now sent an SOS to “whoever” has access to MPs, hoping the MPs have V11s that he can cling onto, in what is now a hopeless pursuit.

Because he has no V11s to support his case, and because he is only too aware of what the Constitutional Court will ask for should he go there, Chamisa and his lawyers have resolved not to approach the ConCourt. They say going to the ConCourt will expose they case and cost them support in Sadc, which has become their last prayer.

After the announcement of the result three days ago, Chamisa was hoping to base his case on the preliminary report of the Sadc Election Observer Mission. 

But Chamisa’s Sadc hopes are now fading into very thin air. 

To begin with, the Sdac Election Observer Mission’s preliminary report is manifestly based on hearsay, very bad hearsay, and that hearsay is a regurgitation of unsubstantiated political claims by Chamisa and his CCC cohorts made before and during the election. 

Even worse, the report blatantly violates the Sadc Code for Observers on Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021) which require observers to base their observation reports on what they actually heard directly from not just one side but all sides on any matter they’re reporting on; and on what they themselves directly observed. 

Apart from relying on very bad hearsay, because all of it of it is one sided from CCC and its affiliates, the preliminary report of Sadc’s Election Observation Mission is particularly objectionable and unacceptable because it makes judicial pronouncements of cases that either have been decided by the courts or are pending in the courts; when it has neither jurisdiction nor competence to deal with those issues.

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