Cashing in on gold

Illegal gold panners may be causing untold damage to the country's rivers but illegal buyers are cashing in on these desperate villagers who are now selling the precious metal at…

Zimbabwe: democracy in tatters

The immediate image associated with democracy in Africa is of men dressed in tatters, pleading to remain alive. The state of power and powerlessness on the African continent tends to…

Cement now plenty and cheaper

The present monetary measures which resulted in building societies suspending lending money for new projects coupled with the current drought could be a blessing in disguise to the individual home…

Bid to rob Government foiled.

In a typical example of how the government could be losing thousands of dollars through tax evasion, the High Court in Bulawayo, recently heard the case of a company that…

Coffee farmers to lose out?

Zimbabwe is likely to lose out on a new coffee agreement arranged by Latin American and African farmers recently to by-pass existing middlemen and make supplies direct to international markets…

ZBC broke

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, which was given a grant of $9.85 million to cover some of its losses and to help run Television Two and Radio Four, seems to be…

Cotton worries

The recent increase in the producer price of cotton coupled with the fact that the Cotton Marketing Board itself has become one of the first agricultural parastatals to operate at…