Whose insurance?

The announcement that the proposed National Social Security Scheme, which private insurance companies are strongly against, has been postponed for another year seems to indicate that the scheme may be…

ZUPCO should respond to demand

The intransigence of the Zimbabwe United Passenger Company which insists on running empty buses instead of lowering fares is clearly proving what proponents of privatisation have always argued for -…

Opening the lid

Home Affairs deputy Minister, Dumiso Dabengwa, seems to have developed a knack for opening lids that his bosses and compatriots would want to see remain closed. He has been at…

Councillors – be serious

The effects of ESAP and the drought are beginning to take their toll. It appears everyone -except perhaps those who work for reputable and very "considerate" companies that offer a…

Chitepo blues

The local press seems to have a deliberate tendency to make everything regarding senior government officials sound so noble. Information Minister Victoria Chitepo retired nobly becoming the first minister in…

Silent censorship

While news of the ban of the planned peaceful demonstration by workers organised by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, and the expulsion of students at the University of Zimbabwe…

Open up car industry

News that Peugeot and TA Holdings are planning to assemble vehicles here is good news indeed because despite the limitations, cars assembled in Zimbabwe -on a dollar-for-dollar basis- are much…

Which is which?

Conflicting signals about investment in Zimbabwe have been flashed by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI), which represents the manufacturing sector of the country, and the International Finance corporation (IFC),…

Cashing in on gold

Illegal gold panners may be causing untold damage to the country's rivers but illegal buyers are cashing in on these desperate villagers who are now selling the precious metal at…

Zimbabwe: democracy in tatters

The immediate image associated with democracy in Africa is of men dressed in tatters, pleading to remain alive. The state of power and powerlessness on the African continent tends to…