What are national affairs?

President Mugabe has managed to slightly trim his cabinet as well as fulfil regional balance but has created another dubious ministry, the Ministry of National Affairs, Employment Creation and Cooperatives…

Place for the disabled

In one of the most ambitious studies to establish the plight of disabled pupils the National Foundation for the Disabled is conducting a nationwide survey on how many secondary schools…

Unfair legislation

The proposed bill to enable the government to fund political parties should be widely debated, particularly in such forums as television programmes like Insight, Tonight or Issues and Views before…

Calls for autonomy increasing

Calls for autonomy by minority ethnic groups sweeping across Eastern Europe seem to be trickling down to Africa just like demands for democracy, which resulted in the demise of communism,…

Shoot to kill

The Botswana army has adopted a shoot-to-kill policy against suspected Zimbabwe smugglers -sometimes referred to as border-jumpers, seven of whom were shot dead recently, according to reports. The Zimbabweans are…

Zimbabwe loses to SA

After failing to clinch an aviation pact which would have allowed Malaysian Airlines to fly to Harare, the Kuala Lumpur government signed one with South Africa on June 18. The…

Government spending too high

After two years of making unfulfilled promises most people are closely watching to see if the government will this time make tangible efforts to reduce its spending when Finance Minister,…