The collective bargaining process which was introduced last year is rapidly turning into a sham as Labour Minister John Nkomo is rejecting most of the wage increases suggested by companies.…
When President Canaan Banana stepped down in 1987 to give way to the Executive President eyebrows were raised when the state announced that the former president would be entitled to…
Independence in 1980 marked the birth of a youthful, promising Zimbabwe emerging from a state with a shattered, war-torn and sanctioned economy enmeshed in all sorts of disparities -economic, social…
Two years ago Zimbabwe's beef industry suffered a severe blow following the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease as it was going to lose $100 million in foreign currency through loss of…
Two British-owned weeklies -The International Express and The Weekly Telegraph- are being launched in Southern Africa at a time when circulations of tabloids in the United Kingdom are plummeting, raising…
According to residents of Masvingo, one of the reasons why Public Service Minister Eddison Zvobgo, has remained popular in both the town and the province is that he does not…
A senior government minister recently boasted that were it not for people like him and other politicians the President would be in the dark. President Mugabe, he said, did not…
Getting a new vehicle has become such a pain in the a… that a Bulawayo businessman is reported to have travelled all the way to Harare to knock some sense…
An idea mooted by former detainees while they were in detention before independence has turned into a multi-million dollar cooperative running supermarkets, shops and a small-scale farming plot. In the…