Queue views

Queues, now the order of the day in the country, are likely not only to arouse political unrest but racial unrest as well if two recent letters in the local…

Lame excuse

Recent statements by the Posts and Telecommunications Corporation that it may be forced to lay off some postmen because of the shortage of postage stamps should strongly be condemned. For…

Dongo, a rising star

Margaret Dongo only joined Parliament in 1990 as a ZANU (PF) candidate. Her entrance into the contest for the parliamentary seat in itself indicates she was a survivor because most…

Wankie Colliery Document

- management stealing left, right and center The once bustling Wankie Colliery Company, which was taken over by the government from the giant Anglo-American Corporation, is now making losses. This…

Hunting for food

The scramble for food is not only limited to individuals. Hotels too are now spending more of their management time trying to procure essential commodities and, of course, at reasonable…

Fiat project collapsing?

- only political intervention can save it The proposed vehicle assembly joint venture between Italian company, Fiat, and the Harare-based Zimbabwe Automotive Industries which was launched with pomp and ceremony…

Lander going places

Roy Lander, chairman of Anglo-American Corporation and several other companies in Zimbabwe, is going places. He is now on the board of the state-controlled Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) following…

Nothing to celebrate about

For the past 11 years Zimbabweans have thronged to the National Sports Stadium -or before its construction to Rufaro Stadium- on April 18 to celebrate the country's independence anniversary. Even…

Gentlemen of the press

Every year journalists in Zimbabwe, including locals, have to go through the tedious task of obtaining press cards. Without, one, the authorities say, one cannot practise in Zimbabwe. Some Zimbabweans…

Drought and politics

Drought like death, when they occur, always leads to or results in a lot of talk, some of it not very palatable. While it is a known fact that once…