Bulawayo rentals lowest

Rentals for commercial and industrial properties in Bulawayo, currently ranging from $4 000 to $30 000 a square metre depending on use and location, are still among the lowest in…

Alpha: police implicated

In a classic example of how corruption has sapped the country, police officers, from the rank of constable right up to superintendent, are alleged to have worked in cahoots with…

Council demands $1.1b from Alpha

Alpha Construction boss Jonathan Gapare is desperate to gag The Insider because the Bulawayo City Council, which in October cancelled his contract to develop and build more than 500 houses…

ZANU-PF steamrolling elections

The two main contenders, the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) are heading in different directions. But one thing is certain. Zimbabwe's…

Inflation down to 209%

Inflation, Zimbabwe's worst enemy, declined to 209 percent in October, a drop of 42.5 percentage points from 251.5 percent in September, according to figures just released. Though projections by the…