Within fourteen days after a preliminary delimitation report has been laid beforeParliament-
(a) the President may refer the report back to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission for further consideration of any matter or issue;
(b) either House may resolve that the report should be referred back to the ZimbabweElectoral Commission for further consideration of any matter or issue, and in that event the President must refer the report back to the Commission for that further consideration.
Where a preliminary delimitation report has been referred back to it under subsection(8), the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission must give further consideration to the matter or issue concerned, but the Commission’s decision on it is final.
As soon as possible after complying with subsections (7) and (9), the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission must submit a final delimitation report to the President.
Within fourteen days after receiving the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s final report, the President must publish a proclamation in the Gazette declaring the names and boundaries of the wards and constituencies as finally determined by the Commission.
If there is a discrepancy between the description of the boundaries of any ward or constituency and the map or maps prepared by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, the description prevails.
Note: For the first election after the new Constitution comes into operation the new Constitution has a transitional provision that provides “the boundaries of provinces, constituencies and wards as they were immediately before the publication day [of the Constitution] apply for the purposes of the first election.”- Zimfact