Bulawayo and Masvingo declared coronavirus hotpots

Bulawayo and Masvingo declared coronavirus hotpots

Bulawayo and Masvingo were today declared coronavirus hotspots as the country recorded 118 new cases with Mashonaland West reporting the highest number of new cases, 38.

Two towns in Mashonaland West, Kariba and Karoi are already under localised lockdowns together with the Midlands town of Kwekwe.

The towns of Masvingo and Chiredzi as well as the Bulawayo suburbs of Nkulumane, Emakhandeni and the Northern suburbs have been declared hotpots.

Bulawayo today had 15 new cases and four recoveries while Masvingo had 12 new cases and five recoveries.

There are now 1 415 active cases with 461 in Harare, 305 in Mashonaland West, 171 in Bulawayo and 135 in Masvingo. Matebeleland South has 142 cases but had only four new cases today.

Three people died, two in Manicaland which has only 50 cases, and one in Mashonaland Central which has the lowest number of cases in the country at 12.

The number of deaths has risen to 1 635, that of cases to 40 077 and recoveries to 37 027. Only 23 people recovered today.

Just over 1 000 people were vaccinated today with 421 getting the first dose and 724 the second.



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