Will farmers meet the targets!

With reports that Zimbabwe will need at least three normal average rainy seasons to achieve the standard of living or Gross Domestic Product it had in 1980, questions are being…

Gold slump

Hopes of the gold price rising above the US$400 mark which most believe is adequate to ensure the viability of mines are fast fading. In fact there are fears that…

Business optimism dwindling

Business optimism in Zimbabwe is fast dwindling and there are now reports that some investors may soon reduce or transfer their activities to other countries. Analysts say other investors will…

Zim-Kenya in reinsurance

Zimbabwe and Kenya, which are currently dominating trade in the Preferential Trade Area of Southern Africa, are reported to have taken a major stake in the recently launched regional re-insurance…

Spilling the beans

The decision by the editor of the Financial Gazette Trevor Ncube to disclose the names of two Members of Parliament who are reported to have given his reporter Basildon Peta…

Zimbabwe lacks consumer resistance

"Sharp decline in demand for refrigerators. Bus operators drop their fares. Slump in prices of electrical appliances. Prices of second hand cars plummet." These are some of the headlines that…

Civil service reduced

At long last, there seems to be some headway in reducing the country's bureaucracy. The size of the civil service has been reduced by 6 941 posts from last year's…

VP’s house $1m up

The cost of the house being constructed for the vice-President in Harare is reported to have gone up by $1 million from last year's estimates $3 million to $4 million…

Funny money

The newly created Ministry of National Affairs, Employment Creation and Cooperatives, carries a very unusual item under its training centres vote -- $600 000 for the commissariat. This item has…

Dangerous comparisons

During the UDI era of Ian Smith, life in the then Rhodesia was always compared with that in the countries "to the north of us." The people of this country…