ZCTU to become more militant

After realising that quiet diplomacy had not taken it anywhere and that it was not being taken seriously, the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade unions has decided to become more militant…

Mengistu again!

Reports that four of former Ethiopian President, Mengistu Haile Mariam's five body guards have deserted him should be a cause of great concern to the country's leadership. Scaling a 3-metre…

Pilotless parastatals teeter

The absence of substantive chief executives for Zimbabwe's key service parastatals, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and Air Zimbabwe, is largely responsible for the…

Are students really violent?

Despite the seemingly militant and violent attitude of Zimbabwean students as demonstrated by a series of strikes and boycotts at the University of Zimbabwe and the massive destruction of property…

Whose budget is it?

Zimbabwe's parliament has often been regarded as nothing but a rubber-stamping body. The refusal by members to approve the vote for the Ministry of National Affairs, Employment Creation and Cooperatives…

Anthrax epidemic was induced?

The anthrax epidemic among black Zimbabweans in 1979 -80 which affected more than 10 000 people could have been part of Ian Smith's biological warfare to fight the increasing insurgence…

Esap’s stance on wages is a disaster

Retrenchments or wage freezes currently being implemented by Zimbabwean companies because of the current economic crisis could be doing more damage to those companies according to experts. They argue that…

Bleak future for the unemployed

Although most countries in Africa are striving to create jobs for their citizens very few have comprehensive employment policies. As a result the bulk of population -60 percent- are still…