Shamu rebuffs VOA bosses

Media, Information and Publicity Minister Webster Shamu refused to see members of the United States Broadcast Board of Governors, which oversees the Voice of America and other United States sponsored propaganda radio stations.


Tsvangirai comes out of hiding

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai scolded the media for sensationalising his going into hiding at the Dutch embassy rather than focusing on the continuing brutalisation of Zimbabweans at the hands of the government-sanctioned ZANU-PF youth and war veterans.


Vacuum of leadership could lead to chaos

Former President of Sierra Leone Ahmad Tejan Kabbah told United States embassy officials that the international community should accept that Zimbabwe law and not international law should determine what had to be done about Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s withdrawal from the 2008 presidential elections run-off.


Journalists take Shamu to court

Four journalists took Media and Information Minister Webster Shamu to court to retract his statement that journalists should seek accreditation from the Media and Information Commission for the Common Market for East and Southern Africa summit.


ZANUPF and MDC resolve some outstanding issues

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai announced on 21 May 2009 thatthe three political parties that formed the inclusive government had reached agreement on the contentious issues of division of governorships, appointment of permanent secretaries and ambassadors, and the delayed swearing in of Roy Bennett as Deputy Minister of Agriculture.


Shamu in inclusive government cabinet

Webster Shamu, who was a member of the information and publicity committee, that delivered victory of President Robert Mugabe in the June 2008 presidential elections run-off, was appointed Minister of Media, Information and Publicity in the inclusive government.


The Webster Shamu Wikileaks cables

Webster Shamu who left Zimbabwe as a disc jockey but returned home a war veteran now known as Charles Ndlovu has had a very intriguing political career. He has survived corruption scandals to rise first to a deputy Minister and then to a fully fledged Minister. Shamu is believed to be close to President Robert Mugabe though some reports have linked him to the Emmerson Mnangagwa faction. There are 27 Wikileaks cables that mention his name. Here they are.