Anyone without national ID must be given one- no need for proof of parentage

Anyone without national ID must be given one- no need for proof of parentage

Zimbabweans without national identification documents can now get them without proof of parentage, Justice Minister Ziyambai Ziyambi said yesterday.

Responding to a question in Parliament on how those who parents had been killed during the civil disturbances of the 1980 now known as Gukurahundi would get national documents because proof of parentage was required, Ziyambi said that had been scrapped.

“His Excellency went to Tsholotsho some time, he sent the Minister of Local Government to the Sun Community and they faced more or less the same problems.  After that, a discussion was done in Cabinet and His Excellency directed that everyone without a national identity document must be given one.  So there is no problem, everyone, you can take anyone to the Registrar-General’s Office and give them the surname Biti, Biti, Biti, it is now allowed, the President has allowed it,” Ziyambi said.

Q &A:

HON. P.D. SIBANDA:  Hon. Speaker, talking of birth, the process and procedures of taking birth certificates and national identity documents involves certain requirements and these include proof of parentage.  Therefore, there is a certain specific population in this country whose parentage was affected by an event called Gukurahundi. What special measures has the Ministry put in place in this blitz to ensure that those people are catered for because their situation is different from the rest of other citizens?  I thank you.

HON. MAVHUNGA-MABOYI:  Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. Everything has been put in place, there is a waiver for those who are staying in rural areas, we have the sabhukus, we have headmen, we have chiefs, they are going to write letters in order that these issues be addressed.  In town, I cannot answer now as the matter has not yet been finalised but I will check. In rural areas, we have done that and this is working very well – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –

THE HON. SPEAKER: The Leader of Government business would like to answer.

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. His Excellency went to Tsholotsho some time, he sent the Minister of Local Government to the Sun Community and they faced more or less the same problems.  After that, a discussion was done in Cabinet and His Excellency directed that everyone without a national identity document must be given one.  So there is no problem, everyone, you can take anyone to the Registrar-General’s Office and give them the surname Biti, Biti, Biti, it is now allowed, the President has allowed it.



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