Active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continue to decline though people are still dying

Active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continue to decline though people are still dying

The number of active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continues to decline and is now at 7 488 down from 9 740 a week ago and a peak of 10 326 on 16 January.

Zimbabwe had only 2 254 active cases at the beginning of this month but they suddenly shot up in what has now been attributed to partying and movement of people during the festive period.

Deaths remain high with 28 people dying today, 13 from the capital. So far 1 103 people have died, 740 this month alone.

There were 358 new cases today bringing the total to 32 004.

More people, 536, however, recovered resulting in the number of active cases declining to 7 488.

Some 23 413 people have recovered to date.

Harare continues to have the highest number of active cases though they are now down to 3 045.

Even the number of active cases in Manicaland is declining and is now down to 977.

The same applies to Mashonaland West which is now down to 664 and Bulawayo down to 424.

There was a scare last week when high profile people including government ministers succumbed to the virus.

Three of those who died -two ministers, Foreign Affairs Minister Sibusiso Moyo and Transport Minister Biggie Matiza, and former prisons chief Paradzai Zimondi- will be buried at the Heroes Acre tomorrow.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa who had to cut short his leave to allow his deputies to rest, yesterday urged Zimbabweans to stay at home pointing out that “COVID19 is indiscriminate. It doesn’t matter if you’re a CEO, cashier or cabinet minister – we are all potential victims.  Zimbabweans, the time for national unity is now. For your families – stay at home, socially distance and stop the spread.”

But he was confident that the nation will triumph. “We will defeat this,” he added.

The pandemic is causing havoc across the globe with the number of cases now at 100.6 million. There have been 2.16 million deaths. Some 75.6 million people have recovered but the number of active cases remains high at 25.9 million.

South Africa also seems to be doing well with the number of active cases down to 127 107. It has 1.42 million cases and 41 797 people have died.



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