The real reason Mliswa was expelled from Parliament on Tuesday

The real reason Mliswa was expelled from Parliament on Tuesday

Independent legislator Temba Mliswa was expelled from Parliament for his unparliamentary conduct and not over Gukurahundi, the temporary Speaker on that day Tatenda Mavetera said.

Responding to a question on why she had expelled Mliswa, Mavetera said: “Hon. T. Mliswa is not being chased because of the Gukurahundi issue. He is being asked to go out because he was insulting other political parties, that is unparliamentary.”

Mliswa was contributing to the debate on the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill which seeks, among others, to punish those who willfully damage the sovereignty, dignity and independence of Zimbabwe.

Here is what transpired:

HON. T. MLISWA: Madam Speaker, I want to thank the Chairman of the Justice Legal Committee for doing a sterling job by bringing a motion which is subject to a vigorous debate. I was looking at the Constitution of Zimbabwe in terms of the Preamble and I have tried to look for the word ‘patriotic’ and the word ‘nationalism’ or ‘nationalist’. I still do not see them. We, the people of Zimbabwe, united in our diversity of our common desire for freedom, justice and equality and our heroic resistance to colonialism, racism and all forms of domination and oppression.

You went on to talk about the liberation struggle which talks about exalting and stalling the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives during the Chimurenga, Umvukela and National Liberation Struggle. I am glad that we have got comrades who were in ZIPRA and ZANLA. Hon. Nguluvhe who is here was ZIPRA. ZIPRA went to the war to liberate this country and so did ZANLA. The commander for ZIPRA was Nikita Mangena and the commander for ZANLA was Josiah Tongogara; all Zimbabweans in the interest of this country.

If you look at Google and look at nationalism, it talks about national interest. If you go to Google and look at patriotism, it talks about being devoted vigorously to a nation. Some of the national people like Ndabaningi Sithole were arrested but they were nationalists. ZIPRA, Dumiso Dabengwa and Lookout Masuku were the first to be incarcerated after independence but they fought for this country. Who incarcerated them – it was ZANLA? I speak about this because my father was ZAPU. That is where we were born in Zambia.

So, to me, it is important that we question and the question is –[HON. MATARANYIKA: Inaudible interjection]- Chairman, I think this is your debate and it is only proper that you behave appropriately or you are behaving unpatriotic and I am nationalist by not giving you a chance. These are the people who we do not need to bring a law but once you are unpatriotic, you can be kicked out of here without a law rather than you bringing a law. I think it is about time you respect this debate. You are the Chairman of the Committee and what you are doing is not good.

Madam Speaker, so you have got ZANLA and ZIPRA going to war for national interest to liberate the country. So, who is qualified to call the other one a nationalist and a patriot? Why did ZANU PF believe it had deranged and they continue with that brutality bringing this law in this House? The only thing ZANU PF is known for is massacre. Gukurahundi, it did it. This is an emotional issue. There must be a Commission of Inquiry to deal with ZANU PF people who led Gukurahundi.

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