Gutu revelling in Chamisa’s problems

Gutu revelling in Chamisa’s problems

Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai vice-president Obert Gutu seems to be on cloud nine following last week’s High Court ruling which declared that Nelson Chamisa’s leadership of the MDC was unconstitutional.

Gutu, former spokesman for the MDC-T under Tsvangirai, broke ranks with Chamisa when he took over the leadership of the party and even challenged the announcement by Tsvangirai’s spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka that Tsvangirai had appointed Chamisa as acting president, a week before Tsvangirai died.

Gutu was subsequently elected MDC-T vice-president when a faction led by Thokozani Khupe broke ranks with Chamisa and won the rights to use the name MDC-T.

Chamisa’s MDC says it is challenging the High Court decision and is going ahead with its proposed congress set for 24-26 May.

The High Court ordered the party to hold an extraordinary congress to elect Tsvangirai’s successor and not an ordinary congress.

Chamisa’s party is said to have hired top lawyer Thabani Mpofu who represented the party in its presidential election court challenge which it lost at the Constitutional Court.

Mpofu told Newsday: “I have studied the judgment together with Advocate Sylvester Hashiti and Keith Kachambwa with the most undaunted minds and have been exceedingly intent upon its subject, taking it up seriously with determination to bring the matter to a desired outcome.

“There are at least 11 aspects of fundamental concern that we have identified. Our path is both sure and clear.”

Gutu, also a lawyer, tweeted: “They will note an appeal to the Supreme Court. The prospects of success of the appeal are close to zero. They’re simply delaying the day of reckoning. They’re clueless and visionless. We have got them exactly where we want i.e. in a hopeless legal and political cul de sac.”

He had earlier tweeted: “When they’re outmanoeuvred & outsmarted they always fall back into their default mode: accuse us of being a Zanu PF project. This pathetic lot!  We will clobber them & relegate them exactly where they belong i.e. to the cleaners!”



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