5 out of 10 Zimbabwe provinces now have less than a thousand coronavirus cases each

5 out of 10 Zimbabwe provinces now have less than a thousand coronavirus cases each

Zimbabwe continues to win the battle against the coronavirus pandemic with five of its 10 provinces now having less than a thousand cases each.

Matebeleland South has 939 cases, Mashonaland Central 878, Harare 734, Bulawayo 373 and Masvingo 366.

There were 382 new cases yesterday but deaths rose to 11. The positivity rate shot to 10% but the recovery rate is now 92%.

There are now 13 090 active cases across the country with Mashonaland East up at 2 942 but Mashonaland West was down to 2 510.

More than 9 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 3 630 getting the first dose, 3 961 the second and 2 109 the third.



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