213 pupils test positive for coronavirus in Matebeleland South in 24 hours

213 pupils test positive for coronavirus in Matebeleland South in 24 hours

Zimbabwe today recorded 335 new cases of coronavirus, 249 of them in schools with Matebeleland South alone accounting for 213.

Active cases in Matebeleland South rose to 277 and to 3 181 across the country.

There were seven deaths and 257 recoveries, 103 of them in Masvingo where the number of active cases dropped to 504 as the province had 51 new cases today.

Mashonaland East rose to 603. Bulawayo is down to 201 and Harare to 75.

There were 6 047 infections in September down from 15 915 in August and 58 996 in July. Deaths dropped to 204 from 887 in August and 1 743 in July.

Zimbabwe has so far recorded 130 820 cases, 4 623 deaths and 123 016 recoveries.

Just over 35 000 people were vaccinated today with 12 121 getting the first jab and 23 134 the second.

See the Africa vaccine tracker interactive map to see how Zimbabwe is doing.



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