1.5 million Zimbabweans vaccinated in two-week blitz

1.5 million Zimbabweans vaccinated in two-week blitz

Nearly 1.5 million people were vaccinated during the two-week blitz that kicked off on 21 March and ended yesterday with a whopping 1 098 823 getting the first dose, 116 607 the second, and 268 403 the third.

Vaccination uptake had slowed down significantly over the past few months raising fears that more than 22 million doses that the country has acquired might be wasted. It had just dispensed over eight million doses.

Zimbabwe intended to vaccinate 10 million people by the end of last year but it failed dismally with only just over three million getting fully vaccinated.

Even during the blitz only 116 607 got the second dose while 268 403 went for the booster shot.

So far 5.6 million people have received one dose while 4.4 million have got two jabs and 446 540 have got the booster shot.

This means that nearly 1.2 million are still to come for the second dose to be fully vaccinated.

Active cases continue to drop and are now down to 2 374 with 1 444 in Mashonaland East alone.

Seven other provinces- Matebeleland North and South, Bulawayo, Harare, Mashonaland West, Masvingo and the Midlands- have less than a hundred cases each.

Zimbabwe will launch another vaccination blitz from 2 to 15 May.



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