Zimbabwe war veterans ditch Mugabe


3. Remembering the heroic success of the national liberation struggle, culminating in the birth of our Republic, the Republic of Zimbabwe, thereby igniting in our new nation and people, hopes for a better life in the New Zimbabwe;

4. We, the surviving Veterans of the War of Liberation, secure in the historical support that we cultivated selflessly among the broad masses of Zimbabwe, make this statement, to spell out our disappointment, and those of the broad masses and working people of Zimbabwe, at what is clearly ZANU (PF)'s abhorable and poor leadership, and to articulate the wishes of the broad masses, together with the working people of this great country. The ZANU (PF) Party Leadership has dismally failed to use the resounding mandate given to it in the 2013 general election, to address the economic l' problems that have beset our great nation since independence from British rule.

5. We note, with concern, shock and dismay, the systematic entrenchment of dictatorial tendencies, personified by the President and his cohorts, which I" have slowly devoured the values of the liberation struggle in utter disregard of the Constitution, as demonstrated by the following:

The deliberate neglect and abandonment, by the Party President of the masses, who are the foundation upon which the liberation war was fought and won, and who have, thereby, become the bedrock of the Party. Suddenly, ideologically bankrupt million man marches are being organized in honour of bankrupt leadership! The same leadership has failed to address the bread and butter issues which stick out like a sore thumb.

The systematic decimation of the party political structures through which the militarised and mobilized veterans prosecuted the struggle.

When Mr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe arrived in Mozambique, he walked in to join those of us who were already armed and prosecuting the war as political soldiers. He was not the President of the Party ZANU (PF), but we made him so, thinking he was one of us. Our decision to make him the President of ZANU (PF) was accepted here at home, regionally by the Frontline States, and internationally.

The President forgets that his release from JAIL was not out of sympathy by his jailers, but because of our war effort. That is why, after his release, he joined us. Yet, today, he refers to us as irrelevant! This depicts the President's lifetime character of always manipulating situations, and delineating others  from vantage positions for his personal interests.

Examples abound:

None of the President's political colleagues in prison have benefitted from Zimbabwe's independence the way he has, as he has put all his effort in sidelining them;

Continued next page


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Charles Rukuni
The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.


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