Zimbabwe tightens Easter travel restrictions as one more dies of coronavirus

Zimbabwe tightens Easter travel restrictions as one more dies of coronavirus

Zimbabwe has tightened travel restrictions over the Easter period and has ordered all pupils at boarding schools to stay at their schools. Parents are not allowed to visit them.

Zimbabweans returning to the country will be required to produce valid covid-19 certificates while tourists who want to be vaccinated in the country will be asked to pay. Vaccination is free for nationals.

One person died of the virus yesterday while there were 19 new cases which were cancelled out by 19 recoveries.

There are now 701 active cases with the bulk being in Harare with 441 followed by Bulawayo with 123 while Matebeleland North is a distant third with 47.

Zimbabwe has so far recorded 36 858 cases, 34 636 recoveries and 1 521 deaths.

A total of 1 193 people received their first dose yesterday raising the number of people that have been vaccinated to 72 944 while 1 063 got the second dose bringing the total to 12 922.



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