Zimbabwe serious about utilising every brain in every corner of the country- Minister

Zimbabwe serious about utilising every brain in every corner of the country- Minister

Zimbabwe is serious about utilising every brain in the country because it is in the national interest to do so, Higher Education Minister Amon Murwira said yesterday.

As such the government was making sure that anyone could attain a PhD even if they went through a vocational training institution.

Murwira was responding to a question from Brig Levi Mayihlome who wanted to know what the government was doing to provide opportunities to pupils in areas which had zero passes at O-Level as they would be excluded from top jobs like teaching, medicine and engineering.

“We know there are gaps of higher and tertiary education institutions in Mashonaland Central, Manicaland, Matabeleland South, Mashonaland West and Matabeleland North,” Murwira said. 

“We have made sure that…. for the first time, we have a Teacher’s College in Hwange which we call Hwange Teacher’s College and it has recruited a lot of teachers, most of whom are coming from Matabeleland North. 

“We have for the first time started a technical college in Binga and we have recruited students there. We have started a technical college in Plumtree and we have recruited students there. 

“We are expanding Gwanda State University and we are recruiting students there. We are expanding Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic in a very big way and we are recruiting students there.

“We are building a Polytechnic in Chivi and we are recruiting students there. We are starting a polytechnic in Beitbridge and we are recruiting students there. We are starting polytechnics in Chipinge and we are recruiting students there. 

“It is all about being serious on how we are treating this country. We are very serious in taking into consideration the brains of our people and utilising every brain that is in every corner of this country. It is a very important national interest question that we will do that.”

Murwira said the government was also making sure that anyone who wanted to attain a PhD could do so.

“On a question of policy, I also want to say that we have done what is called the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Frameworks. What does this framework say? It says you can reach Grade 10, which is PHD or Dr. of Technology from any angle,” he said.

“You could be coming from a vocational training and then you upgrade to a polytechnic and then you go to the university. We are also having an approach which is called the integrated skills outreach and expansion programme where we are going to communities and having them access to higher education.”

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