No reason to turn away BEAM pupils, government is up-to-date with fees- Minister

No reason to turn away BEAM pupils, government is up-to-date with fees- Minister

Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Paul Mavima said yesterday there was no need for schools to turn away pupils who are under the government-funded Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) because the government had cleared all its arrears up to the third term last year.

He said 1.8 million pupils were under the programme and schools already knew the identity of the learners.

“Schools are not supposed to turn these learners away because monies have not been remitted to the schools.  That is the policy of government.  As we push for those funds to be transferred to the schools, the learners should continue to learn,” he said.  

“BEAM was up to date up to the third term of 2022, and we are in the first term of 2023.  There is no reason whatsoever for schools to turn away the BEAM registered learners.  The leadership here should help to make sure that, that message goes out to all the schools so that they do not turn away learners because that money is coming to the schools.”

Mavima was taken to task by several legislators. 

Here is the full Question and Answer session yesterday.

HON. JOSIAH SITHOLE: Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir.  My question is directed to the Hon. Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.  May the Hon. Minister inform this House as to when we are going to see selection of BEAM beneficiaries in our schools?  Our children are staying at home now as most schools would like to see proof of payment.  I thank you.

THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC SERVICE, LABOUR AND SOCIAL WELFARE (HON. PROF. MAVIMA): Thank you Hon. Speaker Sir, the BEAM programme has 1 800 000 learners registered on it.  These schools already know of the identity of the learners.  Schools are not supposed to turn these learners away because monies have not been remitted to the schools.  That is the policy of Government.  As we push for those funds to be transferred to the schools, the learners should continue to learn.  BEAM was up to date up to the third term of 2022, and we are in the first term of 2023.  There is no reason whatsoever for schools to turn away the BEAM registered learners.  The leadership here should help to make sure that, that message goes out to all the schools so that they do not turn away learners because that money is coming to the schools.  I thank you Hon. Speaker.

HON. CHIKWINYA:  Thank you Hon. Speaker and I also want to thank the Hon. Minister for the response.  I think the gist of the question does not lie on the students being expelled but it is about the administration of the school that is being hampered because of non-release of the funding from the Ministry to the schools.  The schools are suffering in terms of administrative work because they do not have the money.  Learners may continue to go to school but then the administrative work…

THE HON. SPEAKER:  What is your supplementary question?

Continued next page



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