Zimbabwe reviews lockdown from Level 4 to Level 2

Zimbabwe reviews lockdown from Level 4 to Level 2

Zimbabwe has reviewed its lockdown measures from a strict Level 4 to a more relaxed level 2 following a drastic reduction in the number of new coronavirus cases.

The country now has 3 837 active cases down from nearly 30 000 at the end of July.

Though a far cry from the 10 million that it intends to vaccinate by the end of the year to attain herd immunity, Zimbabwe has so far fully vaccinated 1.7 million people.

Highlights of the review are as follows:

  • Curfew from 2200 to 05:30hrs
  • Businesses to operate from 0800 to 1900hrs
  • Restaurant and bars within hotels & lodges to operate between 0800 to 2200hrs
  • Bottlestores to open between 1000 and 1600hrs
  • Beer outlets & nightclubs to remain closed.
  • Public gatherings to not exceed 100.
  • Decongestion of offices shall be at 50 percent
  • Intercity travel now permitted in strict adherence to Covid-19 health measures
  • Low risk sports to resume from 0800 to 1600hrs
  • High and medium risk sporting activities to seek approval.
  • Persons entering the country should present a Covid-19 test valid less than 48 hrs.

The lockdown measures will be reviewed in 2 weeks.



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