Zimbabwe records no coronavirus death for sixth day running

Zimbabwe records no coronavirus death for sixth day running

Zimbabwe today had no coronavirus death for the sixth day in a row but it had 35 new cases and 18 recoveries.

The total number of cases rose to 7 633 while the number of recoveries went up to 5 841 but the number of active cases which had been dropping went slightly up to 1 568.

Thirteen of the people that recovered today were from Bulawayo but the city had 5 new cases so the number of active cases dropped slightly to 117.

Five people from Matebeleland South also recovered bringing the number of cases down to 176.

The number of active cases in Harare, however, rose to 1 093.

Deaths remained at 224.

Globally there are now 30.2 million cases and over 948 300 deaths but Africa accounts for only 1.4 million cases and 33 300 deaths.



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