Zimbabwe records more coronavirus cases in April but fewer deaths

Zimbabwe records more coronavirus cases in April but fewer deaths

Zimbabwe recorded 1 375 new coronavirus cases in April up from 793 in March but it had fewer deaths, dropping from 60 in March to 44.

The numbers rose mainly from outbreaks at boarding schools -Sacred Heart and Embakwe in Matebeleland South, St David’s Bonda in Manicaland and George Silundika in Matebeleland North.

There were only 22 new cases yesterday and no deaths but only 18 people recovered.

The country has so far recorded 38 257 cases, 35 612 recoveries and 1 567 deaths.

It has 1 078 active cases with 384 in Harare, 267 in Matebeleland South, 134 in Manicaland and 130 in Bulawayo.

The vaccination programme seems to have picked up especially for those getting the second dose, with 8 781 getting their second jab yesterday to raise the number of people now fully immunized to 85 607. Those who have got the first dose have risen to 414 735.

State media yesterday said the tourist resort of Victoria Falls had achieved herd immunity with 77% of the population having been fully vaccinated.

Zimbabwe fact-checking organisation, Zimfact, queried the claim first made by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on 26 April arguing that the numbers of those who had received the second dose in the tourist hub did not add up.



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