Zimbabwe records 18 more coronavirus cases, total now 716

Zimbabwe records 18 more coronavirus cases, total now 716

Zimbabwe had 18 more coronavirus cases today raising the total to 716. Unless the trend is reversed, the country could reach 1 000 by the end of this month.

Fifteen of the cases were returning residents -eight from South Africa, six from Botswana and one from Canada.

The country has now tested 80 089 people and has 527 active cases.

Eight people have died and 181 have recovered.

Globally there are now 11.5 million cases which include 535 300 deaths.

More than 6.5 million people have recovered but there are still 4.4 million cases.

Countries with the highest cases are:

  1. United States    2.96 million
  2. Brazil                     1.58 million
  3. India                      697 000
  4. Russia                   681 200
  5. Peru                      299 000



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