Zimbabwe records 129 coronavirus cases at schools

Zimbabwe records 129 coronavirus cases at schools

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 264 new coronavirus cases, 129 of them at schools with 96 in the Midlands, 20 in Masvingo, 8 in Mashonaland East and 5 in Manicaland.

Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said on Tuesday there were 132 cases in schools.

There were only two deaths and 156 recoveries yesterday resulting in the number of active cases rising to 2 914.

Mashonaland West still has the highest number of active cases at 749 followed by the Midlands which has 359 having dropped to 42 a week ago. Manicaland has 349, Bulawayo 192 and Harare 168. Mashonaland Central has 111, the lowest in the country at the moment.

Just over 53 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 22 336 getting the first dose and 30 844 the second. A total of 2 930 850 have so far received the first dose and 2 032 831 are fully vaccinated.




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