Zimbabwe publisher more concerned about what MDC might do to him than ZANU-PF

One of Zimbabwe’s leading publishers, Trevor Ncube, says he is more concerned about what Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai supporters might do to him and his family more than what the Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic Front might do to him.

It is not clear what prompted this tweet but Ncube, who publishes one of the country’s major daily papers, Newsday, as well as the weekly Independent and Standard, has publicly stated that he supports President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s new dispensation.

His papers, however, remain critical of Mnangagwa and his administration.

“Right now l am more concerned about what MDC-T supporters might do to me and my family more than what Zanu-PF might do to me. I survived Gukurahundi and all what Robert Mugabe did to me. This too shall pass!!” he tweeted.

Some of his followers, however, queried why he would support Mnangagwa is he was genuinely a victim of Gukurahundi.

“You keep telling us how you survived Gukurahundi but you have never given us any details.  I did survive Gukura and I find you and your support for ED repugnant. I walked from Tsholotsho to Wankie Nat Park and sought refuge in a school. Tell us your ordeal?” one tweeted.

Another tweeted: “The MDC is now more concerned abt what u Trevor might do to it more than what Zanu might do it. The MDC survived Jonathan Moyo, this too shall pass.”




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