Mnangagwa spokesman says Chamisa wrote ED asking to be included in unity government

Presidential spokesman George Charamba has acknowledged that Movement for Democratic Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa wrote President Emmerson Mnangagwa but he was asking to be included in a government of national unity.

Chamisa who has vowed that he will give Mnangagwa his 18-year-old sister if he polls more than 5 percent of the vote in the coming elections was reported yesterday to have told people in Wedza:  “I wrote to Mnangagwa offering him advice, but he refused fearing that I would grab power from him.  I did that after realisation that we could only take this country forward through collective leadership, but he refused to meet me.”

Charamba said Chamisa had indeed written Mnangagwa but he was asking for inclusion in a government of national unity “which is why he has given an example of Kenya — President Uhuru and Mr Odinga”.

Charamba said Chamisa should not jump the gun but should wait for the elections.

“The example of Kenya he gives does not help his argument in that the Uhuru-Odinga understanding came after a democratic election and not before it,” Charamba told the Herald.

“Indeed, I am sure the President will be amenable to inviting Mr Chamisa after he has lost election — the same way Uhuru invited Odinga.”

Zimbabwe is holding its elections on 30 July.

The Nomination Court which will accept candidates is sitting in 10 days.

Charamba said Mnangagwa will only be meeting opposition parties after the sitting because it is only then that he will know the genuine political parties contesting the elections.

There are currently 128 registered political parties in Zimbabwe.



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